Finally, Amri somehow managed to grasp the idea of school holiday. Phew.....!!!! No more morning meltdown, screaming to go to kindy. However....he kind of thinking that if school is out than the parents would be on holiday as well. Errr..........I spent breakfast time explaining to him that ibu and ayah still has to go to work. All the while watching in horror as his face clouded, the smiley lips gone lopsided and he pushed aside his breakfast plate, no longer interested in eating.
So I took the easy way out.....I changed the topic! I started talking about tomorrow, our short balik kampung trip to Langkawi, the wedding of Kak Cik Ana that we're going to attend and of course, being Amri, he twisted the plan to include a dip in the pool/river/beach or whatever body of water that is available, bath tub included.
Within seconds...the face light up, the voice upbeat and Amri started planning his day.....first he is going to pack his clothes and Adam's clothes in his bag (I made a mental note to search all bags after work, just in case he decided to pack half eaten oreos) then he's going to look for his missing goggles, charge his laptop battery (ish....budak nih...), suruh bibik buat susu Adam 3 botol.......yadda...yadda...yadda.
At least, I got to eat my breakfast in peace.
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