Thursday, May 12, 2005

Mommy monster

I went home from office only to find that Amri has decided to use the dining area wall as his whiteboard. Big ugly scribbling of mostly no.2 and no.3 were all over the wall, written with blue marker. Where on earth that he got hold of a marker..........
I was totally pissed off and at a lost of what I was supposed to do. Shall I punish him? Most probably yes, looking at dicipline point of view and I definitely should draw a clear line at the do's and donts. On the other was just a wall and it did not cost much to paint it. And Amri definitely did not think that he was doing anything wrong as he was proudly presenting his modern art work to me.

But heck...much that I love Amri unconditionally, I also love my wall. And I do not want to raise a future graffitty lover, though he may turn out to be next da vinci.

Since I was againts physical punishment (though caning him would definely made me feel better for five minutes), so I did what I knew worked best.......he was grounded in his room while I took Adam for a drive. It would drive him nuts and hopefully the message would sink. I needed time out far away from my now ugly wall. Amri wailed and screamed in his room. By now my neighbours must have thought that I was physically abusing him

Then I noticed Adam was quite warm to my touch.....the onset of fever and its associates... but nevertheless was very happy with the prospect of going for a drive with ibu. I drove around the neighbourhood twice then decided to take Adam to see his doctor. Nothing too bad...the doctor said, just an oncoming cold. Great! No need for antibiotic. All the better...I was not in the mood to administer medication.

When we reached home, Amri had taken his shower and changed to his pj...probably by bibik...but still sobbing in his room. Dear hubby was still in Lumut....all the better....nobody to rescue Amri for the time being. I played with Adam all night then when he nodded off to lala land, curled up beside him and crashed out...hoping for a better day tomorrow. Things will always look better in the morning.

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