Friday, April 24, 2009

Adam on the mend

Adam with his new power rangers toy

Adam was put under 24 hours observation so we stayed another night. We here meant Adam and his Ayah. While mommy crashed at home, on her king size bed. Hehe....

Anyway. When it came to staying put, Adam was no better than Amri. He was restless and only slightly entertained by the toys, astro and colouring book. Even a piece of hospital rubber glove became his toy.

By 9 ++ am, the surgeon declared Adam was fit enough to go home and signed the discharged papers. We however, had to wait for hours until everything, from insurance to pharmacy supply before we managed to get home. It was lunch time by then.

I cought him climbing near the lamp just before this. Checking out the many switches there

Adam clearly missed home. He visited all rooms and went up and down a few times. When Amri reached home from school, he was overjoyed and started chattering non stop. They played cards, watched tv and god know what else while I had a bit of lie in.

I needed to get a few things from giant and the two boys tagged along. Adam decided to wear a cap to hide the big tape on his head and persuaded Amri to do the same. The cap hid the bandage well enough but soon Adam complained about the edge of his cap was rubbing painfully into his stitches. Hmmm....

We had our lattes then headed home.

Upon reaching home, Adam decided to ride his bike again. So soon? Tak serik? I guess not. Can't blame him for that. I could not remember being prim and proper myself.


But still, between these two boys, I'll end up with a full head of white hair before I hit 50. I'm getting quite worried with the little unborn one. What if the baby is a girl? What if the baby is a girl who will ride her bike the way his two daredevil brothers rode? God help us....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Adam @ OT

Adam waiting to be taken to Operating Theatre

By half past eight, Adam was ready. He was definitely a model patient. Though he complained that he was hungry and his hospital gown looked like girl's dress, that was the extend of it. Really fuss free. And he enjoyed being pushed in stretcher to Operating Suite.

By 9am, he was well under GA and I kissed him one last time before being ushered to the waiting room.

Half an hour later, I was shown to recovery room, where Adam was retching badly and cried a bit. Upon seeing me, he said he wanted to go home. That made me sad, because, I've never heard such thing from him. Or from Amri either. Both of them were brought up to be flexible and could just survive everywhere. But he said that many times.

Adam post surgery. Spending his time watching cartoon network

Once he was a bit more settled, the nurses transfered him to his own room. A few minutes later, he asked for milk. I gave a small amount, fearing that he would vomit again. Thankfully, he slept soon after.

Adam woke up not even one hour later and asked for porridge. Then rice. Then polished off soup, milo and pudding, both mine and his. He asked for twisties and I told him that it would have to wait until his father arrived because I would need to go and buy it from the shop. He asked for milk instead and was content with that.

Adam enjoying dessert

Hubby arrived soon after and I suddenly felt extremely exhausted. That was about as much adrenaline this pregnant lady could handle.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


It happened again. This time it was Amri who ran back home saying that Adam fell from bicycle and was badly injured. We found him sprawled and covered in blood in between two park benches. It was this all over again. I knew what to expect and what to do but still, my heart skip a beat. Maybe more.

Bundled a bleeding Adam (from top to toe, indeed) into the car and drove off to the nearest clinic. Dr. Rasool and his assistants were very prompt and efficient. They cleaned up Adam pretty fast, gave him painkiller, wrote a referral letter to surgeon and even called the hospital to expect us. Adam's cut on his head was a lot worse than I expected. The full length and depth of it could only be seen once the doctor finished shaving his hair around the area.

We went home after the clean up. Asked bibik to change Adam's bloodied cloth. Packed an overnight bag, fished out Adam's medical card, called hubby who was outstation and gave Amri his pocket money for tomorrow. Cu Nan would spend overnight here to keep him and bibik company (thank you, bro).

I went straight to ER. Adam slept the whole time. Asked the nurse to help moving Adam from my car to wheelchair. Once in ER, the bandages were changed and Adam cried again. He however, did not struggle at all. But once the bandages were replaced, he was back to his cheerful self. He then was taken for head x-ray just in case there was any fracture to the skull. Unfortunately,I am pregnant, thus could only accompany him to the door. Adam was okay though. The surgeon scheduled Adam for surgery the next morning, after 6 hours fasting.

Adam waiting to be sent to his room

Adam liked his hospital room well enough that he had trouble to go to sleep. He also found that being pushed in wheelchair was funny and grinned all the way from ER to his room.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The day I turned 35

Today I am one year older and still none the wiser but of course, grumpier than ever.

Adding to the grumpiness is the fact that i had very little sleep last night in between sneezing, gasping for oxygen whenever both air passage were blocked and get this, i let my not so little darling adam slept with me. On my bed. Reason being, he injured his feet during one of his cycling stunt.

Now here, I am not one of those supermommies who enjoy having their kids co-sleeping with them. Honestly, I'd have put the kids in their own room from day 1, if not for the inconvenience of stumbling around all night long for nightime feeding and diaper changing.

Anyway. Adam does not have Amri's high threshold for pain. He looked so pitiful that I finally gave in and let him sleep beside me. Big mistake. King size bed or not, there was no escape from his super active limbs. He slept like he was seriously practising tae kwon do and gymnastic at the same time. I was sorely tempted to push him down to the carpet.

This morning he declared he was not fit enough to go to kindy. I agreed because his ankle was kind of swollen and I doubted he could wear his socks and shoe. But a YM to hubby later revealed that he was cycling outside all morning and now was watching the contractor fixing our auto gate. Hmmph!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blissful Sunday

I woke up in the morning without headache and just a very mild stuffy nose, which was a rarity indeed. Maybe I should do this every morning - gradually inched my way out of bed sometime after 9 am.

Feeling a lot better in weeks, I gave bibik the day off and sent her to giant for her monthly shopping. Then nagged the big boss to drive me around town. Managed to buy one thing out of a few hundreds that i planned to buy plus a whole lot more that I've never intended to purchase. So far so good.

I just wish that I could have more days like today. Then I wouldn't be so grumpy and whiny

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stuffy nose during pregnancy

Why do I feel congested all the time?
Believe it or not, it's pretty common to have a runny or stuffed-up nose during pregnancy. About 20 to 30 percent of pregnant women have congestion without having allergies or a viral infection like the common cold. This condition even has a name: rhinitis of pregnancy. It can start as early as your second month and last until you have your baby or even a few weeks afterward.Higher amounts of estrogen during pregnancy can contribute to swelling in the mucous membranes lining the nose and even cause you to make more mucus. What's more, the amount of blood in your body increases and your blood vessels expand during pregnancy, which can lead to swollen nasal membranes as well. Other hormones may also play a role.

How can I tell if my congestion is due to my pregnancy or to something else?
If you have no other symptoms, it's probably rhinitis of pregnancy. If your stuffy nose is accompanied by sneezing, coughing, a sore throat, mild aches and pains, or possibly swollen glands or a fever, you probably do have a cold or another infection.On the other hand, if you have symptoms such as sneezing and itchy eyes, nose, throat, or ears along with your congestion, then allergies are a likely culprit. Pregnancy can make your allergies worse or cause you to be sensitive to allergens and other irritants that never bothered you before.Of course, you won't always be able to tell what's causing your congestion, and it's possible that there's more than one cause. For example, you could be suffering from allergies as well as rhinitis of pregnancy.

What can I do for relief?
Remember to drink plenty of fluids and keep your head elevated at night. These measures can also be helpful:• Steam can temporarily relieve congestion and it's often very soothing. Take a warm shower and hang out for a while afterward in the steamy bathroom. Or moisten a washcloth with hot water, hold it up to your face, and breathe.• Try saline nose drops or a buffered saline nasal spray, available over the counter at the drugstore. Spritz or drip a bit into each nostril and within five or ten minutes you should be able to blow your nose more easily.• Use a humidifier or vaporizer to put more moisture into the air and keep it near your head at night. Be sure to follow the cleaning instructions that came with your humidifier. Change the water daily since it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. You'll need to replace the filter often as well.• Avoid potential irritants, such as cigarette smoke and alcohol (which you should already be avoiding!) and sudden temperature changes. Also avoid exercising outdoors on days when there's a lot of air pollution.

Are there any medications I can take?
If congestion continues to make you miserable, tell your practitioner about your symptoms and ask which medications are safe for you to try. It's generally best to avoid taking any medications during your first trimester, when your baby's organs are forming.If your practitioner says it's okay, you can try a decongestant. Avoid overusing decongestant nasal sprays, though, because they can cause rebound inflammation and make your congestion much worse
I'm living with this for weeks now. Nasal spray doesn't really work. And the so called safe medication make me drowsy but does not help me to sleep. I am so miserable that I felt like applying for unpaid leave until the day i give birth. But I guess, staying at home will make it worse since my next door neighbour is doing major renovation and across the road, contruction for dPuncak bungalows is in full swing. And so does the dust that come with it. Plus, not all part of my house is airconditoned. I'm better off in my office.
18 more weeks.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Halfway there

I have gone through a miserable 19 weeks.

Another 19 weeks to go. I'm due on 9/9/09

Hoping for better weeks to come.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Amri's Sport Day 2009

The school termed it Athletic Day. Amri gleefully spent three days of this week at mpsj stadium, rehearsing for the event.

Unfortunately, the transporter did not fetch the students for today so us parents had to get going earlier so that these students could be at stadium by 7.30am. Fortunately, Adam woke up and get dressed very early and fuss free. Amri of course, was on his regular schedule. Just before he get dressed, he suddenly remembered that he was supposed to wear long pants for today. Grr...mana nak cari school long pants di subuh buta ni. Tak kan nak pakai jeans kot. Hish...budak nih. But Amri, being Amri was just as happy in school short pant as in any pants. Ibu nyer pulak yg self concious sebab most of the students turned up in long pants.

Amri warning Ayah not to take his marching photo.

Brothers aka partners in crime

Amri waiting his turn

Huge mommy. Can't believe the baby is just 157gm. What are the rest of 3.8kg I put on?

Yey.....Primary 3 Blue House won first place.

Went home around noon and all four of us crashed out on the living room sofa later. Only Amri ate lunch. The rest of us couldn't be bothered with food. Besides, we were going out for a wedding at 2pm so catching 40 winks was more important.

Apsal penonton pulak yg exhausted lebih lebih ye....

Monday, April 06, 2009

A shiny new, red bicycle

Someone has a shiny new bicycle!

Yesterday, Hubby brought it back from bicycle shop sometime near noon and Adam had been outside cycling ever since. Even Amri joined him even though his was not new. Then the boys were joined by a new girl whom family was in the midst of moving in to the corner lot house that day. The trio cycled back and forth half of the day, ignoring the heat and the occasional drizzle.

We were busy with our reunion guest and I guess the girl's parents were busy with a few huge lorries worth of furnitures to pay much heed to these kids. They were in and out of the house many times though. And every now and then they would line up at the buffet table and helped themselves to some food, presumably for sustanance for another few kilometres of cycling. Us parents were left blissfully alone with our guest :)

Amri with his new friend/neighbour. He was doing a power ranger pose initially until the girl gave him a good whack and asked him to stand properly :)

Now, when can we get rid of the training wheels?

Sunday, April 05, 2009

eMBA6 reunion

We hosted a reunion for x-eMBA6 group at our home. Some of the photos are here, but the rest will be in the yahoogroup. I think I'll need someone to help me draw a proper road map. Giving direction was a pain.

Makan time. We had roti jala, meehoon, chili con carne and chicken kebab.

Some of the ladies

Some of the gentlemen

To mamarock, thanks for the heavenly brownie. It arived just in time when my muffins were almost gone. I didn't dare to bake a large batch due to the missing kitchen scale. And of course, agak-agak the quantity has never been my strong skill.

Faiz testifying mamarock's brownie. Serious, it was delicious. And it came with the porcelein bowl.

To the rest, thanks for coming despite the rain and the sesat all around BJ case. And many,many thanks for the gifts, though it was a reunion, not a housewarming party. Hope all of you had a good time.