Friday, April 24, 2009

Adam on the mend

Adam with his new power rangers toy

Adam was put under 24 hours observation so we stayed another night. We here meant Adam and his Ayah. While mommy crashed at home, on her king size bed. Hehe....

Anyway. When it came to staying put, Adam was no better than Amri. He was restless and only slightly entertained by the toys, astro and colouring book. Even a piece of hospital rubber glove became his toy.

By 9 ++ am, the surgeon declared Adam was fit enough to go home and signed the discharged papers. We however, had to wait for hours until everything, from insurance to pharmacy supply before we managed to get home. It was lunch time by then.

I cought him climbing near the lamp just before this. Checking out the many switches there

Adam clearly missed home. He visited all rooms and went up and down a few times. When Amri reached home from school, he was overjoyed and started chattering non stop. They played cards, watched tv and god know what else while I had a bit of lie in.

I needed to get a few things from giant and the two boys tagged along. Adam decided to wear a cap to hide the big tape on his head and persuaded Amri to do the same. The cap hid the bandage well enough but soon Adam complained about the edge of his cap was rubbing painfully into his stitches. Hmmm....

We had our lattes then headed home.

Upon reaching home, Adam decided to ride his bike again. So soon? Tak serik? I guess not. Can't blame him for that. I could not remember being prim and proper myself.


But still, between these two boys, I'll end up with a full head of white hair before I hit 50. I'm getting quite worried with the little unborn one. What if the baby is a girl? What if the baby is a girl who will ride her bike the way his two daredevil brothers rode? God help us....


Mama Rock said...

adooi! boys will be boys...masa sakit je teringat, lepas tu lupa lah balik. with his cheerful spririt, cepat la adam tu recover.

eh, the one coming out with a skirt - don't worry about her. i had nadia to vouch for that- in fact she's tougher now since she has to make her brothers take her seriously.

butterflutter said...

oooohhh *sigh anak-anak

nae said...

MamaRock: I'm still worried. What if the baby is a girl who end with stitches everywhere.....devalue lah nanti. Adussss. But nadia does seems

Butterflutter: i'm doing a lot of sighing lately too....

zan said...

auuww you'r pregnant! congrats :)

by the look of it, Adam is in speedy recovery hehehe..dah naik basikal, kira oklah tu :)

i don't mind having a girl after 2 boys who ride bycicle like the boys asalkan dia nak pakai dress te he he...

take care!

nae said...

zan : it will be another boy so i could stop worrying now:)