Tuesday, June 20, 2006



Mak just called and said she's coming over this Saturday! Woohooo......lalalala. I'm so happy. The kids would be off my back and hehehehe ..... good food. I so missed mak's home cooked meals. Sure, I could cook pretty decent meals nowadays but lets be frank here...the only person who actually had anything nice to say about my dishes is Amri. Only Amri. And that is probably because right now he was going through ravenous phase where anything I come up with is good enough for him, as long as it is a curry with plenty of potato.

Now, on the other hand, was that normal for a 5 year old boy? To eat that much carbo. I get worried at times when I noticed that I've cooked enough to feed eight adults for one meal. But actually it was eaten (and finished) by 4 adults and 2 kids with one particular kid consuming the major portion of it. If I didn't cook a lot then Amri would supplement his lunch/dinner with bread, cereals, ice cream, biscuits, pudding, fruits or anything he could get his hand on. It was kinda scary to see a pint size body consuming that much food. What if he grow up to be obese. What if he'd develop bad eating habit for the rest of his life. But right now, he is fit and physically active boy. A bit skinny though. I took comfort from knowing that everything about Amri is seasonal. So maybe he is stuffing his face silly now but will be totally off food in the forthcoming months. Then people would start hear me wailing on a different issue.

If anybody come across me at Tesco/Giant with trolley brimming with foodstuff, believe me, it is for two weeks supply.

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