Saturday, June 24, 2006

Hectic Saturday

I had an unusually busy Saturday. While I was buying breakfast, Azida called to inform me that the kids tae kwon do class was actually at 9.30 am and not 10.30 as was told to me before. I scraped the intention of buying food stuffs afterwards and went straight home to wake Amri up.

Why on earth did I let him stay up till midnight last night. Liat betul nak bangun pagi. Had to shower him myself. Then Adam's turn. Adam was not a morning person so I was quite used to handle his cranky morning self. But Amri usually woke up chirpy and ready to hit the ground running. Not this morning though. Couldn't even dress himself up. Anyway.....I still managed to shove some hearty breakfast into their complaining mouth (all the while Ibu looked longingly at chili padi) and made Adam his milk. Isk...geram betul!

At 9.20 am, drove over to Azida's house to pick up her 3 kids. (Note to hubby : I need the CRV back....I have 5 kids, okay). Arrived at ttdi jaya mosque, the place for tae kwon do class, on the dot. Registered Amri and paid all the fees. Adi (Azida's son) already registered last week so the master gave me his uniform. Dressed him up. Looked so cute...hehehehe. Amri ceased his running around to check out Adi's new uniform and promptly went into sulk mode. He wanted uniform too. Told him that he'll get his next week. Then Amri asked me home come i bought uniform for Adi but did not buy one for him. Gee....... Ibu dah fenin! Amri looked like he was going to cry anytime soon and refused to join the rest of the class in warming up. After a few cajoling and sugary promises, off he went reluctantly to join his friends.

Hubby drop by on his way to buy newspaper to see how we were doing and have a few words with the master. Sometime later he just turned and walked back to his car and Adam was running after him. Heading towards the main road. Luckily, Iman (Azida's daughter) saw him. I was busy filling in the forms and oblivious to this. So, another son to be calmed down and given a few sugary promises.

The class ended at 11.30 am. I thought it was supposed to end at 10.30am. I was planning to bring the five kids to BJ Carnival Read Aloud. Tak de rezeki... Luckily I didn't volunteer with Ninuk to read. Hehehe.

Sent the kids back immediately after class. Well...after one ice lolly each. Hubby was off to UiTM by the time we reached home. Then I went out to buy some chicken, vegis and fish for lunch. Lunch would be very late today. Luckily, still had some left over nasi dagang from breakfast. The boys could eat that. Hubby was home just after I finished feeding the boys and forced them to take a nap. Good. We get to eat lunch in peace.....though very late one.

Just after we finished lunch, mak called saying that she already arrived. That was quick! We rushed off to fetch her, taking only Amri with us. Adam was still sleeping.

Was so relieved once we reached home and I managed to get my loooong shower. And happy too that mak was here. I was pretty bored with my own cooking and missed mak's so much.

p/s - thanks kak azi for the laksa....

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