Thursday, March 02, 2006

Restoration Day

I was done with cleaning up. Today was for putting them all back together. Curtains, tablecloth, cushion covers etc. The toys, which amount seemed to reduce substantially were back into their toy chests with more room to breath. Dried sofa bases were hauled back inside again. Thank God it did not rain these past few days. Tv cabinet was still a wee bit smelly but otherwise passable. Its three drawers had no trouble fitting in but its sliding doors had to go. All shoes were back into the shoe cabinet. The fridge and washing machine had also miracalously survived the flood. Phew!!!

Well, I still had blocked kitchen sink and my front door couldn't properly closed. My plants too, still had mud caked to the leaves and looked sick. My wooden platform was thoroughly caked in mud as well and the porch tiles were dirty. But all these could wait.

Salina dropped by to visit us, bringing foods, drinks and, I couldn't believe it, toy train for the kids. Oh my God.....thanks soooo much. Amri still couldn't get over the fact that I had to throw away half of his toys and stationaries. The new toy immediately cheered him up. Thanks again Salina, and Amir as well. That was very thoughtful of you.

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