Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Points to ponder

Had one little chat with a brilliant early childhood educator quite some time ago. A really nice, friendly lady. In fact, she had done most of the talking while I listened aptly, for there were too many great tips going to be missed out it I were to interfere with my little mundane talk.

So, in summary, here are some of the things, aka tips, that we talked about :

1. Your firstborn better be a girl.
2. Failing which, your firstborn should be born within the first half of the year, i.e January to June. The earlier,the better.
3. Failing both, as in my case, you'd better geared yourself up for some out of ordinary coaching towards your child if you have the teeniest bit of intention of sending your child to government primary school.
4. The first alphabet your child should be thought to write is 'c', followed by the rest of alphabet that has the same keystroke as 'c', such as a,d, e, g......
5. Writing capital letter should only be introduced after the child has mastered small letters.
6. Teach the child Malay Language phonetic first, starting with the sound of alphabet.
7. Followed by alphabet recognition, i.e his ABC
8. Followed by English Language phonetic.
9. Preferably no live in maid.

She even recommended some books for kindergartener, which I had to google the net first to get the full correct name of title and publisher. If anybody interested, email me personally.

Well.....seemed that I had everything wrong from no.1 to 9...hihihihi. No wonder Amri struggled for almost three months before he could made sense with his Malay reading materials. He was lucky though that he has superb teacher, who noticed that not only he's been born on the wrong side of the calendar, he was also being thought English phonetics first. The teacher was quick to alert me and I was lucky enough to have half my foot in education line, thus many sources to consult with. I was glad to notice that today Amri breezed through his Malay readers effortlessly, though occasionally pronounced ''i' as in 'i am' instead of 'itu'. He was mightily confused three months ago.

Point no. 1 & 2 would be too late for me and most of my friends,but..............to the newlywed Amin & Suria.....take note you guys :)


Angah said...

No 1 = out (I have a son)
No 2 = ok (he was born on 29th February 2004- leap year baby huhu)
no 3 - 9 = insyaAllah.

Thanx for the list, I'll try them. I taught him english but his grandma couldn't understand a word hahahaha (pelat kan) Had to give tuition to my mum ehehehe

eiseais said...

hmm...tips for me to follow. knowing malay first, tu i think cos malay read as its written kan?

nae said...

angah: that was unique birthday ur son has....so how do u celebrate? and speaking of pelat, I am clueless too to whatever adam was blabbering about lately...sungguh pelat.

eiseai : yup...supposed to be the easiest language (she said)

Angah said...

for 2 years we celebrate his birthday on 8th Muharram and another small majlis on 27th February (his father's birthday)