Sunday, January 04, 2009

Brave kids...

Not mine per se . I was just remembering Amri's school orientation the other day. Amri took it easy, probably because he was already in Year 3 and though new, it was just another school. The moment his class was called, he bounded off to join his class teacher and new friends. After an hour, the kids already memorised the layout and in the case of Amri, the exact location of school cafe.

What impressed me most were the Year 1 students. They looked tiny but very brave. None of them looked teary eyed or clingy. And this being a little bit out of the way school, the students must have come from various places. With little chance of meeting you kindy mates. But when their classes were called, none of them hesitated to join their respective class teachers. No one cried or at the very least, looked scared. I couldn't remember being that confident when i was 7 years old. Amri was very easy too last time but he was familiar with most of the kids. They either came from the same kindy or his playground mates.

Anyway, parents being parents....we were all anxious. As soon as the little ones left to join the class teacher, their respective parents started to tag along. Until the teacher gave this announcement on the microphone:

"Children, please leave you parents behind at the hall. We will be back in an hour"

The whole hall erupted in laughter.

We parents must have annoyed the teachers beyond words.

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