Sunday, February 10, 2008

Perkampungan Hadhari

At Pulau Wan Man. Which was very near to my in law's place. We could even walk there if we want to but it was a newly constructed place so it was barren of shady trees and extremely hot. Actually, that place was not really completed yet. But some peole were in hurry to show off Masjid Kristal, which thankfully, looks nicely done. There were supposed to be some miniature replica mosques from all around the world but sadly, were not fully ready yet. Not that they were impressive anyway.

Stragely, people arrived in droves to visit the half completed place. Some parked their cars by the roadside in front of our house. And prepared to walk all the way in their lovely dresses and high heels. Once, I even considered renting out umbrellas and flat shoes. Poor visitors, they didn't know better. I am pretty sure the place will be grand once it is fully completed, provided whomever building it will remember to plant lots of shady trees, provide covered walkways with plenty of dustbins, plant green, green grass and finish up the roads properly. And of course, clean toilets.

We did visit the place. But we went there at night, very near closing time. It was less dusty at night but still happening enough. Masjid Kristal was awesome, especially at night.The towers were emitting light which changed colours every few minutes. It was simply breathtaking to look at. But of course, as were other grand mosques of Malaysia, it was not designed to have natural ventilation. Which is sad because of its position by the riverside, it could have all the natural breeze if designed properly. Instead it would be a power guzzler, with the lights in its towers and internal airconditioning. Stunning, nontheless.

Give the place a few more years, with proper care and maintenance, it will be a lovely place. I'll visit the place again the next time we did our 'balik kampung' trip.

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