Friday, November 24, 2006

Homemakers Day Out

Of course, with kids in tow.

Intan & brood were staying at Xanna's since yesterday. So we tought, a day out at KLCC wouldn't be so bad. I had promise Amri & Adam their LRT ride for quite sometime but never get around to actually took them.

I was 30 minutes late. Been waiting for the house cleaner before I could get away. Intan & Xanna bought us Petrosains tickets while waiting for us which was very fine with me.

Adam and Amri were extremely excited with their annual LRT ride. But nothing beats the excitement of meeting their friends. They ran around wild, which made the harassed looking Xanna looked even more pained.

Xanna & Intan helping Irfan into a tilt machine

Amri & Adam with their passion - CAR (like father like sons)

Filmmaker at work

Dania and Farra. Xanna's little princesses. So between the three of us, we have 7 kids. Of which, six were intented to run away as fast and far as possible. Preferably lost in the crowd.

Went home around 4pm. Amri and Adam slept during the LRT ride home. Luckily it was easy to wake Amri up and asked him to walk. Adam however was a different story. So I ended up carrying 19kg Adam all the way to car park. Adoi la.

I arrived just in time for 6.15pm aerobics. It was bodyworks class so i gave it a miss. I've done enough cardio and weight training today to last for the next 36 hours. Berat tau 19kg tu. I only played with 5 and 8 pound weight at Seribadan.

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