Sunday, November 05, 2006

FISAF Training - Day 4

A whole day of practical lessons.

Unfortunately, I've not been exercising since 20th Nov. Plus with my 10 days raya holiday which I spent either eating (a lot) or lounging around either at my parents place or my in law's like a belched hippo. Needless to say, whatever muscle strength I had acquired was slowly evaporating, plus a stamina that was not even half of usual.

Anyway. The coughing & runny nose rescued me. Because the trainer was concerned that I looked (and sounded) so sick, and my blood pressure drop down to a dangerous level (theoretically) I was excused from most of the show. But the trainer, a petite Germany lady, was pregnant and she was so fit. So the ego made a show. Instead of admitting that I was sick and would be unable to perform most of the stuffs, I joined in the show. If a preggy lady could do it, so could I. Plus, I've practically lived with below average blood pressure all my live.

Trouble started from the beginning. For a fitness testing module, I was deemed unfit, due to my low BP, erratic heart beat (blamed it on the cough syrup & that flu pill) and a whole lot more. Resistance training was a nightmare. My lunges, squat and whatever posture done were horrible. At one time, I couldn't stand up from a lunge position. Then came the weight. Even with the lightest dumbbell, my arms felt leaden. Duh! Don't even get me started on bodybar. And core conditioning lesson? My body didnt have a core anymore. It was just leaden arms and legs plus a painful head :)
Adoiiiiii.....I couldnt have picked a worse time to attend fitness course.

The good thing was, I made lotsa new friends. A super cool salsa dance instructor, a yogi from Ipoh, a super fit japanese lady, another super fit japanese+germany+portugease+american expat, a chinese professor, a bunch of fitness instructors from CF which I certainly could count on for emergency replacement instructor and an ex accountant from sabah who owns a travel agency and promised me a 'friend' rate should i ever wanted to tour sabah. Cool!


Anonymous said...

cik puan seri badan, can i hv yr Travel Agent contact number ... i nak travel ni, tapi malas nak fikir ground arrangement

nae said...

ninuk : lemme dig my bag for her namecard and then i'll email to you :)