Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A birthday and an anniversary

It was Amri's 6th birthday yesterday. And our wedding anniversary. So we planned to have a birthday cum anniversary dinner somewhere last night.

Anyway, the plan went awry even before it started. Shortly after I reached home from my workplace (or lepak place) Amri was crying inconsolably saying that he had toothache. Now here, Amri was a bit of a drama queen. I've been through too many drama to actually pay much attention to it. Furthermore, Amri was diligent in caring for his teeth. He dutifully brushed his teeth twice daily, sometimes more. As far as i know, all his teeth are still intact with no sign of cavities whatsoever. The only thing is, the teeth look weirdly small compared to his growing jaw.

So i ignored the wailing. Hubby however was concerned and tried to validate the claim by checking his teeth and gum. Not that he could notice anything anyway. But the wailing continued all the way to our dinner place. It was not like Amri to cry over a pain or injury that long. Or even cried at all. So I was beginning to get concerned. Sent SMSs to a few supermoms that I knew. They suggested salty mouthwash and paracetamol for the pain. Tried it and managed to pacify Amri long enough to eat quick dinner. No candle blowing or singing. Surprisingly, Amri polished off his dinner plate and his drink. Biar betul mamat sorang ni......

Amri insisted to see a dentist after dinner so we checked out a few clinics around that area but all were already closed. It was quite late, by the way. Amri however had forgotten to start crying again so we just drove home and made the boys slept as early as possible.

This morning i sent sms again to the same supermoms. Amazingly, they all suggested this one dentist that was so near to my house. I was so grateful. Brough Amri there immediately but was disappointed over the long queue. So we made appointment for 4.30pm today. Hope all goes well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hopefully dr aishah visit settle the problem. mari le ntar the boys to my place , then you go dating-dating. murah je my rate ... negotiable :) belly dancing session free ke :)