Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pantai Kelulut

There was a hidden beach near Gie's (my bro in law) house at Marang, that was so lovely. We wouldn't know how to find it if not because Gie was kind enough to be our tourist guide..he heh.

Adam, terrified of Mr Crab and hating the feel of sand under his feet, stayed close to his Ayah

Having lotsa fun frolicking at Pantai Kelulut. Caution: no changing room or public bathroom in sight

A slightly less terrified Adam. Though later he used a quarter box of tissue paper to wipe the sand off his feet and slipper.


Liza said...

wah, lama tak mandi laut, bestnyer!!!

nae said...

bNormal: Best dan cantik sangat tapi tak de changing room or bathroom. I had to use bottled water from the car to rinse off the boys