Tuesday, April 03, 2007


It rained heavily around 4pm and by 5pm my front neighbour took her car to somewhere higher. I on the other hand, had other problems. First, I had to drive through the rising water to Bukit Jelutong and opened Seribadan for evening session. I also had to fetch Amri and Adam since hubby was going to be extra late.

So by 5.30pm I drove through the water in front of ttdi secondary school (thank God for a 4WD) and reached Seribadan just fine. Although there was some funny sound coming from CRV's engine afterwards. Or was it just my imagination? Got everything nice and ready for weekly hatha yoga class then off to Amri's school. I drove straight to the front gate only to see a closed one. Then vaguely remembered husband telling me something about closed gate and no parents allowed to drive into school compound during his PTA meeting (but why though). I was contemplating the safest way to reverse the car without causing a massive jam or pile up when suddenly the guard opened the gate for me. Cool! Thank you very much. I drove in quickly before he could change his mind.

Azida called me while I was walking towards Amri's classroom. The bell rang. Yakety yak...chat, chat..joke somemore, saw Amri sitting nicely in his classroom waiting for me then walked back to the car with Amri in tow. Gebang gebang with Azida some more. Offered to fetch her daughter as well but she declined, said bye bye then shoved Amri into the car before he could jump into any pool of water.

Made my exit without a hassle. For once, the traffic was orderly. Reached the traffic light at the junction and while waiting for green light, I contemplated the nice and orderly school traffic today. No parents making funny turn or blocking any exit point. No children running around wild. And...Amri and his classmate seemed to be sitting nicely even without a teacher around. They can't be that good, can they?

Then it hit me.

Oh my God......

The school was not over yet. Today is Tuesday. According to new timetable, school finished at 6.40pm on Monday and Tuesday. I fetched Amri during second last period bell, I guess. Alamak!!!


Hantam sajalah labu.... Will apologize to the teacher tomorrow. Hope the last period teacher didn't think that someone kidnapped Amri and went to make a police report.


butterflutter said...

Opsss...alamak funny pulak.

nae said...

buterflutter : my hubby didn't think it was so funny since he was just elected PIBG committee members :D

Cherry said...

super efficient mommy ! cepat tapi tak tepat ... he he he

nae said...

ninuk : i am officially super blur mommy, yesterday i packed amri's schoolbag following monday's timetable instead of tuesday

Cherry said...

i got my kids to do their own packing now. me just inspect .