Monday, April 16, 2007

A muddy kind of day

For all I’ve been writing about aerobics, people must have thought that I have seen and done it all. No! I’ve never been to outdoor mass aerobics. It is where the many participants would be dancing in the open air (like padang bola or community hall) and the instructors (usually more than one) would stand in front stage, facing you.
TTDI Jaya residents had one yesterday morning in conjunction with Syabas launching their new water metre. No offense to those who enjoyed outdoor aerobics but I found it terribly uncomfortable. First, being in public place meant that you would have to dress decently. In my case, complete with tudung and long sleeve t-shirt. After five minutes, I was soaking wet with sweat. Secondly, being resident in now famous TTDI Jaya could only meant that the ground was forever wet with rain. It rained heavily the night before so instead of nice grassy football field, we had a wet mushy muddy ground that not only soaked through my dainty cross trainer but splattered me with mud from head to toe. (After a round of aerobics, netball game and searching for Amri at drawing contest) And I decided to wear white top, shoes and tudung for the occasion…ceh!

Also the presence of men in the group did make me a bit worried, because you know, as what the politicians often preached about, we women should never entice the opposite sex (duh) with any sexy move. And aerobics dance had evolved to be very sexy indeed. We do not want woman exercises to be banned from this country, no?

Well, I should have stayed with studio aerobics. I did not really enjoy being mud splattered from head to toe and sweating like a pig. And I hate not having firm traction on my feet because being a big momma I was, I had a fear of slipping and toppling over the cameraman who for reasons known only to him, kept his videocamera zoomed to me and not even bothering to be subtle about it. Did we know each other?

And this morning when I reached Seribadan, I felt so lucky. I’ve taken this place for granted because I owned it. I actually loved its wood flooring, mirrors, airconditioners, stacks of clean towel, drums of cold water and most of all, the privacy it offered which enable me to dress up in almost anything. It was tiny studio but sufficient.

Anyway, I’ll give it another try sometimes but I’ll check the ground first. Plus, I’ll wear everything black. It should be fun if the ground was not mushy and I didn’t get confused without mirrors.


eiseais said...

what horrible neighbour i am. tak melawat lagi ur cosy little aerobic centre...

nae said...

eiseai: not to worry dear, just visit

butterflutter said...

Will one day visit seribadan. But bile eh.

Cherry said...

lee baiknya syabas. apa dia ingat ttdi jaya folks tak cukup air lagi ke ? lepas tu semua ada makan-makan tak ?

nae said...

butterflutter : nanti kalau i buat bellydance or whatever workshop, i'll let u know..bleh u visit.

ninuk : tu lah tu...patut convert ttdi jadik rain catchment area, ada juga benefitnya. yes...plenty of uneaten food afterwards...orang tak ramai pergi