Saturday, May 06, 2006

Parent Teacher Day @ Little Caliph

I used to dread this kind of day. Truth was...I still dreaded it a little bit. I knew Amri would never be one of those bright overachievers. Not yet anyway. I was not into pressuring him to excel academically...there will be enough time for that in the future. But I need him to be able to read decently and count money.

I went there late. In fact, i was the last parent. matter. Teachers could speak to me for as long as they wanted to.

Surprise....surprise! Amri had done fairly well. He read well, suddenly becoming good at hafazan & qiraati class, a lot less troublemaker and flunked math grandly :) Well...I guess I just had to teach him math my way. Somehow, he had acquired a longer attention span, perhaps due to maturity and peer influence. He was overpossessive of his stuff, which surprised me, because at home, he was a big mess and couldn't care less of his things. Teachers said he kept his things neatly at his locker and did not hesitate to get into fist fight if any poor soul ever touch his stuff without his permission. Really...that was new. Perhaps because at home he has bibik to pick up after him and his only rival is Adam...whom he considered to young to be punched.

I just hope that Amri would try reasoning many, many time first before he decided to punch anybody's nose. I'm getting really nervous now.....

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