Wednesday, March 16, 2005

I am getting younger!!!!!!!!

Why? Coz all my teenage years symptoms were back. Zits were sprouting out all over my face mercilessly. I had dandruff. I had period pain. I suffered from terrible pms that left me feeling murderous. My once steady hormons were now raging and causing havoc to the whole system.

But worst of all, my long gone gastric made a comeback. With a vengeange. While I was fighting the traffic jam on the way home. Alone. Of all the places. I used all the red light stops to double over and tried to regain my composure. Never before in my life since I received the driving license that I were so deeply thankful to the red light. But a mere 2 km from my home, on the last hurdle of traffic light, I broke down and cried. Not just because of the pain. But being in pain and alone.

I spent all night doubling over on my bed, alone again because dear hubby brought the boys to the guest room to allow me some space. Somehow, it heightened the blues.

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