Friday, March 18, 2005

Hot mommy

The ladies at my aerobic class had concern other than selberian diamond today. Suddenly they were very interested in current weather. And deeply concerned that their kids would be exposed to an extraordinarily hot weather this coming Monday. To add to their worries, it would be the first school day after term break. So these pretty mommies were discussing on what to do and what not to do on Monday. One mommy decided to chauffeur her kids around, which to me sounded like a good idea, looking from her kids point of view. Most probably the kids would end up at Starhill after school. Another mommy planned to take the easy way out by declaring no school day for Monday. Lucky kids!

Thank goodness nobody asked what my plan would be because I certainly did not have one. Amri will go to kindy as usual and by evening both of them will play outdoor unless it rains.

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