Saturday, August 08, 2009

Pregnancy blahs: Bored with pregnancy

Taken from

I'm sick of being pregnant! Is something wrong with me?
Nope, it's perfectly normal to feel that way. Many women get tired of being pregnant during the third trimester, and some even earlier. What's exciting and new during the first few weeks and months of pregnancy can become pretty tedious by the sixth or seventh month. Let's face it, there's nothing particularly thrilling about having to roll out of bed sideways, groan every time you stand up, and pee 20 times a day. Sure, you always get offered a seat on the train, but you also face little delights like hemorrhoids and heartburn. It's enough to wipe the rosy glow from even the most excited mom-to-be.
Bored is an understatement of the year. I am desperate. Very, very desperate!

Dealing with others
On top of your physical discomfort, you may find yourself enduring endless questions and comments from others about your pregnancy. "Once I started showing, no one at work ever talked to me about anything but being pregnant," recalls Susan Greer, an accountant and mother of one from New Hampshire. "By the sixth month, I wanted that baby out and my body and identity back."And then there are the unsolicited comments — and hands — on your physique.
Many women get tired of conversation that focuses on their burgeoning physical state. Try steering conversation back to nonpregnancy topics — even if it's just the weather or the latest reality TV show. Feel free to tell your family and close friends that you need a reprieve from pregnancy talk, and you're back in the market for conversation that has nothing to do with food cravings and not seeing your feet.Also, give yourself permission to vent when you feel the need. Although family and friends (and even life partners) can sometimes get worn down from a verbal catalogue of pregnancy woes, you can count on finding a sympathetic ear in other pregnant women.

The other non judgemental pregnant friend I could commiserated with is a colleague at Houston office. But she has gone off for her maternity leave, leaving me without anyone to vent my black mood. By now, I almost felt like putting up a notice saying 'do not touch me or i'll bite your head off'.

Savoring your time
Despite all the annoyances you're weathering, now's the time to enjoy your last weeks or months of pre-baby freedom. During the months — and years! — after your baby is born, time to yourself will be a precious commodity.Some women use the days to plan for their newborn's arrival, setting up the nursery and shopping for supplies (tiny socks!) or mapping out the details of maternity leave and daycare.

What pre-baby freedom??? Baby care can be delegated. Pregnancy is NOT.

Sometimes, though, you need a break from all things baby-related. Go ahead and plan activities and dabble in hobbies that a new mom couldn't possibly squeeze into her busy schedule. Some ideas:
• Make lunch dates with friends.
And suffer another bout of heartburn afterwards

• Learn something new. Take a chance on books at the library that you normally wouldn't pick up.
I'd like to learn voodoo please

• Streamline your space. Clean out your files, sift through the junk in the kitchen drawer, or put those boxed-up prints in the closet into photo albums.
Not in a million years

• Treat yourself to a massage. For a less expensive treat, spring for a soothing pedicure instead.
Would be nice indeed if I didn't feel like punching the daylight out of anybody who touch me

• Set up time-savers. Make yourself a haircut appointment for a new, easy-to-manage style, collect takeout menus from restaurants around town, and set up an online bill pay account.
I dream of the day that I could go and have a thorough hair treatment to my now ruined hair followed by a very complicated hair style. No. Make it top to toe treatment.

• Pick up gardening.
And risk a major come back of sinus? No, thanks.

• Connect with your partner. Enjoy some peaceful, romantic dinners together — whether you venture out to a restaurant or cozy up at home with comfort food — and focus on each other while you can.
How romantic can a heartburn be? And the only one who still showered me with hugs and kisses is Adam. Only him.

• Escape to another world. Tuck in to a nice big novel or rent a few movies that sweep you off your feet into another place or time.
That's what I did. Until the blurry and spotty vision took over. Plus, watching movies with Adam is a big pain. About one million questions per second and no break at all.


Liza said...

i haven't been pregnant for the last 8 years and going through the last trimester, still gives me the's a very delicate moment. you take care and i pray for your safe delivery

nae said...

Liza: Thanks a million. I feel a lot better now that the end is very near :)