Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Blue fish belongs to Amri and the red one is Adam's.

The boys now have a pet each. Their first pet. Adam's fish is named Dolphin. Amri's..err....the name keep on changing every few minutes and they all sounds incorrigible and no one knows how to spell them.

They bought this pair of fish at section 6 wet market last Sunday, while waiting for me doing my weekly supply trip. And keep on bickering about it till today. Amri wanted to bring his fish to school. When denied, he threaten to take back mothers day card he gave me. Duh....mana aci! Adam with his famous itchy fingers wanted to hold the fish and managed to do it once when I was not around. He even took it out from its container. Nasib baik panjang lagi nyawa fish tu.

There was also the issue of feeding the pets. The fishes need to be fed once every 2 days. Since none of them could remember to feed thair own respective pet, bibik did it for them. But then, once they remembered, they wanted to feed the fishes then and there. These couple of fishes were certainly overfed by now.

And water changing? Bibik did it for them. The boys felt cheated out of it but could not actually remember that the water need to be changed every 4 days. So both of them changed the water again even though bibik had already done it the day before.

I felt quite sorry for the fishes. They are pretty though.

1 comment:

Cherry said...

we gave up on in-house pet. nak binatang, kita gi zooo.