Thursday, May 28, 2009

Feeling the blues

I skipped my 6th month appointment with gynae today. Reason being - I was beginning to feel like some sort of a single mom. Always showed up alone for appointments. Sometimes with one of the boys, which did not help much to cheer me up. Moreover, I feel absolutely fine (read: no less miserable than the past 25 weeks)

On the other hand, I rather enjoyed having the big bed all to myself.

Amri serenading Ibu


butterflutter said...

Hugs to you. Btw we r stopping at 3mainly because masa no 3 tu I pun mcm u selalu sorang2 and mr felt really guilty and he said dah lah cukup. When I was supposed to be induced dia sepatutnya attend board tbg hj. Imagine dia minta postponed sbb wife nak kena induce :-P

nae said...

Butterflutter: Thanks...and i salute your husband :) Thinking of stopping at three too.