Monday, July 24, 2006

Amri's sweetheart - part 2

Amri insisted to walk alone to kindy. Since the kindy was just around the corner, we decided to let him go by himself. I was planning to stalk him on his way but boy....could he be so fast. By the time I was at the gate, he was gone. I checked with his teacher later and teacher said, yes, he was there allright. I breathed easier then.

When he come back, I casually asked him about his walk to kindy. And I was gasping for breath again.

Apparently, he made a slight detour and end up at Ika's house. Ring her doorbell, greeted Ika's father with salam and asked whether Ika could walk with him to school. Guess he didn't fail badly in manners 101. Amri told me that Ika's father let them walk together to kindy. But real story was, Ika's mom walked both of them to kindy because Ika would be staying back at kindy's daycare so she had a big bag with her. Though her house was practically behind the kindy, they still had to walk downhill for 10 steps and uphill for another 10 steps. No shortcut.

Well.....I'll be stalking Amri from now on.


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha...........lawak sungguh2...

nae said...

k. zhan: fenin mak!