Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm a nurse (among other things)

Last Thursday, despite Adam having all kind of prescriptions already lined up for him, I still had to rush him to see his pead. This time for the funny, itchy rashes that suddenly appeared on his side and in a matter of hours creeped up to his face. It looked like measles but only affected from waist up. Also the fact that Adam has taken his MMR jab, so he should be well cleared of theose three, right?. Doctor suggested food allergies but I couldn't really put my finger into that. The boys ate home cooked meals and I really was not in the mood for variation of menu. So they ate mostly the same things like last week (and the week before). Salina suggested roseola, but there was no fever. Adam was as active as ever and never stop (or reduced) the squabbling with his brother.

Amri on the other hand, had a really chesty cough that sounded like he was covered in slimy phelgm from head to toe while his nose was forever dripping with greenish snot. Ewwwww..... The regular flimsy tissue won't be enough for his one nose blow. Half roll of toilet tissue worked better. Or kitchen paper.

So there we were...the three of us. The kids were given emergency nebuliser because the pead found that they had difficulty breathing. Adam was wheezing and Amri of course, choked in phlegm. One hour later, we went back with me struggling to hold a cranky Adam, a sleepy Amri and a big bag made of medicines, nebuliser machine and three can of different types of sample formula for Adam to try. Just in case he was suddenly allergic to his current milk. Oh yeah.....and a calamine lotion for Adam. Also a strict instruction to monitor his temperature.

I was officially a nurse.

From then on, I fed them prescription after prescription, took temperature religiously, administor nebuliser every four hours, swathed Adam in calamine lotion, enforced diplomatic control when they boys fight to play with nebuliser machine (read: dua-dua kena denda) and tried to pry the duo apart. Just in case it was roseola or measles...it would be contagious.

Come Monday, I was more than happy to hand back the loaned nebuliser machine. Once the novelty of having a mask on their face worn off and they decided that they did not really looked like ultraman or power ranger with that thing on, nebuliser sessions were nightmare.
The pead however, claimed that there was still about 40% of phlegm left inside Amri so I was to continue the neb for another 3 days. Sigh. Adam's rashes was given all clear, thankfully. Same went to his chest. He was just to continue with ventolin for another 3 days.

And today, I am still tiredly playing nurse while having a headache of my own.


eiseais said...

i hope the boys get well soon. even i yg tua ni pun hate using the nebuliser, cant imagine how they feel...

Cherry said...

Memang fenin dan fenat. BTW mana you belajar belly dancing ni. nak join bley ?

nae said...

eiseai : as at today, they are still not well *sigh*

ninuk : nak join belly dancing???? sure boleyyyy.....i belajar kat blkg rumah u le (seribadan)