Thursday, April 20, 2006

The good and the bad

My aerobic instructor broke the news that she was considering to close down the centre. She even had a potential buyer for the equipments. We were like....what?? WHAT???? Are u serious?

Oh boy....that was bad news. Very,very bad news. I was very fond of the place and of course, its members. They were not fitness freak. Just a bunch of makciks and mak datins having a good time together, everyday. Sharing a good laugh every so often. And teh tarik after morning session. (How la to lose weight like this...). Most of the members have been around for years while some are newcomers like me. Even so, I love the place to bits and tried my best not to miss any class. Even my days are scheduled around its timetable. To the extend that, while hubby was property hunting at the neighbourhood, I put in my requirement as within walking distance to the fitness centre...hahaha!

On the other was good news to me. I was eyeing that place for ages. If I can get over my crush with belly dancing etc....i should be jumping with joy. Come July, the place could be mine and the possibilities are endless. Since whatever i had in mind does not involve cramming the place with furniture, then I could always turn it into an aerobic centre during free days. And call back all the members. And hire the instructor by hourly basis...since she's the one we all so love. Of course it will not be the full fledge fitness centre like it is now coz I'll have to make do without the equipments. But it will do.

I hope she is not closing down the place. But I also hope she'll close down and I get to take over the premise.


eiseais said...

alamakkkkkk...noooooo. i baru made it my 'half-year resolution' to join the yoga. dah set aside time & planned with hubby dah. nae, u bukak lah plak. i'll join, seriously i would!!

nae said...

itu le....i baru tgh aim one really kewl yogawear. now macam tak berbaloi pulak nak beli. sigh! and...yes, i have that plan.