Who wouldn't? But ever since I have my own family, Friday took on a new meaning. It was the day of the week when I changed hat. From a part time mom to a full fledge queen of the house. I'd be planning menu, activities, shopping list, delegation of duty list, where to go, party invites, books to read and about a million other stuffs.
And lately, I've moved from planning stage to partial implementation stage. I did my pasar malam round on Friday after work and grocery shopping after dinner. More often than not, I'd be driving to office on Friday morning with my pasar malam shopping trolley and tesco shopping bags in tow so that I could go straight from office. And the wierdest thing is, I enjoyed doing that, despite feeling rather pathetic sometimes. I guessed I'll keep on doing the same routine (with occasional break) for as long as I enjoy it and then, hubby or Amri can take over. Queen of the house is entitled to be moody and inconsistent of course.
There were times when I thought I must be the most boring people on earth, especially when I realised my plan for the weekend was to vegetate at home and the highlight of my Friday was grocery shopping. But it gave me such joy that I doubt there'd be any human dares to call me boring in my face. I just love the home I made, termites and all. And I'm starting to realised, there are a lot of people who love puttering around at home too, if not more. A lawyer planning her menu while waiting for the lift at her office, a banker friend who every first Friday of the month would make a detour to Sg Buloh to restock his plants, seeds and fertiliser, another who'll get his ps3 games ready on Friday for the weekend, a lovely neighbour whose idea of a perfect weekend is baking and movie marathon with her kids, a vogue mom who'll hit the mall to pick up her family reading lists on her way home on Friday night (those lucky people who works on top of a mall) and of course, yours truly who spend her Friday with grocery shopping and then a visit to nearby bookshop for books and comics. Come Friday night, we all morphed into domestic god/goddess who find joys at the most basic thing.