Thursday, December 15, 2005

Mak & Abah go to Mecca

The morning started well enough. There were many guests. Kak Cik and I fed them well (or so we thought). Both of us could not locate the plates and cutleries and cup. Adam managed to break one glass. The house was in complete mess. Amri went missing. So far so good......

A neighbour recite adzan and du'a and both mak & Abah boarded our car and off we go to Bayan Lepas. Only to make emergency stop half an hour later because Adam decided to puke out a bottleful of milk. Which was actually the order of the day. We were used to it. The only problem was that some of the vomitted out milk had dribbled to mak's dress, whom was sitting beside me. And mak would be travelling with that dress. To Mecca no less. The nine hours plane ride. The many many hours at Tabung Haji complex. The many many hours after arrival before they check in into their hotel. Oh my God...................

We furiously tried to wipe mak's dress down with wet wipe, which was heavensent at time like this. Lucky for us, Adam vomited out right after he downed the big bottle of milk so it had no chance to cuddle and turned sour yucky smelling yet. Okay...done with that. But still a little bit problem. I was drenched in puke....heheheheh. Eeeekkkk!!!!!!!!!!!

Saw to Mak & Abah checking in and stuff at Tabung haji complex. Thank God there were Mak Anjang, Pak Anjang, Pak Cik Tajul and Pak Teh Ali there as we were completely clueless. Stayed around till Dzuhur time then made our move since Mak & Abah would need to get ready for their solat. Drove around Penang and got completely lost looking for Holiday Inn Batu Feringgi. Duh. The authority there needed a refresher course in signboard placing. Managed to check in one hour later, dead tired and smelled wonderfully of puke.

This was one of the rare occasion when we ordered room service and was delighted by such thing.

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