Sunday, December 04, 2005

Caught off guard

Amri yelled from his bathroom saying that he did not any more toothpaste. Fine, I grabbed one from supplies cabinet and handed to him...half expecting him to whine about the unnecessary ritual of brushing teeth. Instead...he took the toothpaste from me and exclaimed " toothpaste!!! And a big one!" I was dumbstrucked. He then proceeded to peel out the box, get the tube out and squeezed a dollop on his toothbrush. His face lighted up again. "It's mango!!!!! Thank you, ibu." I was still dumbstrucked but managed a teeny weeny "Welcome"

This little person always amazed me. Honestly, there was nothing fancy with the toothpaste. It was the same brand he's been using for years, just in a bit bigger tube and different flavour. I'd never knew a new tube of toothpaste could be so exciting to a five year old. Nor would I imagined it to be. It was a reminder to me that I still had so much to learn. Even if I were to be a mom fifth time round, I'd still be amazed with those little monster...ehhh....angels.

We were invited to another birthday party at McD section 3. Well....Amri still had not recovered from his frightening experience with McD clown (or was it a bird?) last year, who appeared at play area while Anisa's girls and my boys were playing. The girls screamed and ran, which was understandable. The clown/mascot/big bird really looked ugly, with its dirty costume and all. But I really did not expect Amri to scream and run and keep on being frightened till this day...hihihi. Poor little thing. Just hope he does not sue me for phychological damage twenty years down the road.
However, no clown made any appearance but I still felt sorry for Amri and the birthday girl as well. Asya, whom is also Amri's classmate at q-dees was pretty sick and obviously did not enjoy her birthday. Hope you feel better soon Asya.

I finally managed to collect my gendong from Ninuk. However, there were only two left. So I bought one for Lah. Sorry kak Zehan & friend...yours had to wait.

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