Saturday, February 12, 2005

Southbound trip

To JB...of all the places! But we have many friends and families there. Tok Mie and Tok Kie tagged along for this trip, supposedly to meet their many cousins. Amri was very thrilled, thinking we'd be going to that no-electricity-jungle again.

We stayed at M Suite, a very nice and spacious hotel for a very reasonable price. has electricity...hehehe! Whatever happened to good old Nae that can slept soundly on the ground with twigs and thorns for mattress.

JB did not have much to offer, I'd rather shop at any of Klang Valley spacious shopping malls. But whattheheck...we're supposed to visit people. And I managed to see Kak Azu, her hubby Ali, their son Aiman Haziq and Lela plus her husband. All these peoples that I haven't see since my graduation but very close to my heart. I'd love to meet Yati too but can't seemed to get catch her on the right time.

Despite the warning by Yati to watch over my little tornado, he still managed to create havoc at..of all places...the crowded City Square. To JB people....please forgive us...coz my little tornado decided to wee wee on the basement, while waiting for the slow lift to arrive at basement and brought him to the toilet. To add to the excitement, it was the last piece of clothing that we had. And Kak Azu had to bring us for cloth shopping. Can't believe I ended up buying clothes at City Square....duh! And Amri, Adam and Aiman simply could not stop bickering for that one balloon. Trust Tok Ki to buy only one! The basic rule of thumb is...if there are 3 boys on board then get three of everything.

And then it was time to say goodbye to JB people.....thanks Kak Azu and Ali for the special lunch. May I have the recipe for that blackpepper prawn please :)

Amri decided not to let me know that his shoes was wet as well and he did not have anything to wear until we arrived at our first R&R stop. Fine....then we went barefoot...which was allright with him too. And he went barefoot happily until we reached our final destination - Nilai 3.

Nilai 3 did agree with me...being the cheapskate I am. First thing I bought was a pair of shoes for Amri. Then I went on a binge with Ummi...grabbing a lot of cheap kids clothing and whatever we could lay our hands on. Cool...... think I'll make another trip soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

halu.i knew there will be more reasons for me to like u. i've only shopped at nilai3 once since it's the nearest to my parents' new house. i thni it has great bargains for odds n ends, bric n brac n knickknacks esp things for the kids huh? Bought SA's potty, hat, jeans, n dunno wut nots lah for the price of peas.Yeay!