Saturday, April 07, 2012

Saturday fun...

I wonder since when that my Saturday became ever so hectic...

I  had to drag myself downstairs very early to teach bibik how to make lempeng kelapa for breakfast. Then woke Amri up. Followed by breakfast with him. Add to it husband's uncertain decision whether to eat or not which ended up with additional trip to kitchen. And seperate brekkie for Adam and Aqil because they were not Asian and thus, could not eat lempeng kelapa for breakfast. Egg and bread is fine. Though the time they choose to eat the bread+egg could hardly be called breakfast hours.

Just barely enough time for me to get a quick shower and get ready for kickboxing. Thankfully, the instructor was late. One hour later, I limped back home, chased Aqil around, did some express hair treatment, showered and get ready to fetch Amri.

Decided on lunch at wong solo section 7, which was pretty good in my opinion but definitely not to Adam and Aqil. Ah well....could always feed them sandwich later.

Got home, forced everyone to take a nap. Ended up with Aqil playing with baby powder in our guest room where he and Adam supposed to take a nap. Thankfully he did not feel like putting it all over his sleeping brother.


Had a tough time waking up Adam for our next agenda - attending a birthday party @ lagenda. Amri thankfully was already dressed. Hubby gave a hand and managed to wrestle Adam out of bed and into some decent clothes. Arrived at party 10 minutes late. Aqil was left behind since he refused his nap - a cranky kid would spoil the party mood and mummy really wanted to chit chat with her friends. The food spread was a wow!!!!

I planned to leave by 4.30pm so that the boys would have enough time to change for football. But there was a magic show and Amri was enjoying it so much and refused to leave the party. Adam meanwhile would rather be playing football. In the end, I told the hostess that I'd be leaving Amri there while I sent Adam to football training.

Another mad rush from lagenda2 to tropika2 to padang bola. This time with hubby and Aqil in tow. Left hubby at the field so that he could pay the fees and had his teh tarik with fellow soccer dads. Brought Aqil with me to the party to collect Amri. Ended up staying again and feeding Aqil and enjoying the chicken dance until it suddenly rain. With lightning and thunder. So off to football field to rescue Adam.

And...the five of us back into the house again, watching the rain while I halfheartedly cooked dinner (no mood sebab dah kenyang sangat).

1.Thank you Elin for inviting us and for the nice food. I ended up skipping dinner...still too full to eat.
2. I dont usually cook on Saturday but this was bibik's weekend off so she had gone back to her husband's house after clearing up our breakfast, cleaning up the whole house and made the beds for all bedrooms  (not much of a day off then)
3. The lempeng turned out beautifully in bibik's hand. My excuse  - she didnt multitask and has no need to rush anywhere. Must remember to take picture next time.

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