Saturday, August 04, 2007


Finally managed to get tickets for the boys to watch transformer. Instead of our regular place of gsc, we went to Cineleisure nearby the curve. I like the place and hubby like it too, I guess. Mainly because there was no way Amri & Adam could get lost there. Not much crowd, even though it was Saturday. Not too many shops that would catch the boys eyes (or my eyes for that matter). It was so stress free. There was no need to grip the boys hand to prevent them from running around. They could run wild as much as they want to and I could still see them. Nice eh? I wanted to eat somewhere inside the curve but Amri spotted a cafe with menu so big he could read from afar and it has nasi lemak ayam goreng on the menu. Naturally, Amri refused to go anywhere else. Nasi lemak ayam goreng seemed to be Amri's staple of the month and he needed to have it everyday, period. Alahai...that's what happened when your baby grown up and learnt to read.

Transformer was terrific but the cinema was so so. Seats were pushed into rows with no isle in between. The tickets were bought by my pretty office secretary so she assumed we'd love to be in the middle. Unfortunately, with two young boys it was quite a chaos. One needed to go to the toilet. The other wanted drinks and popcorn. was not easy to squeeze by dunno how many hundreds of seats to get into the aisle. And get back inside after our toilet visit. Fortunately, transformer was so good that the boys almost didn't make a big fuss.

And honestly, transformer was really good I felt I wanted to watch it again (minus the two boys).

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