Tuesday, January 31, 2006

On the road Kedah - Tganu

Left for Tganu sometime after 9am. We decided to take this Timur Barat route. Didn't feel like calling it hiway. It was clearly not a highway, or at least not the highway that I was used to. We stop at Bukit Bunga because I heard so much hype for that place that spelled retail theraphy. Sound like my kind of place. Well....somehow i found out it was not my kind of place. It was rather dusty,hot and one shop was just a replica of the next. Couldn't find anything interesting to buy, which surprised hubby a bit :) Since i was already there, I bought some fruits as buah tangan. Okay.....now that I've seen it, I didn't have to think about it anymore.

Reached KT about 4pm and found Adik & family were still there.

Later on, Adik & co left for Kuantan about 6pm but called 2 hours later saying they were caught in very bad traffic jam and was still somewhere at Marang. They gave up the idea of driving back to Kuantan and drop by at Gie's house for dinner and returned to KT later for another night at Mie's house. Wahhh.....ramai juga orang Tganu staying outstation ye...

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