Friday, October 05, 2007

Shopping Raya

Had a busy day. I worked at superspeed from 9am to 1pm then off to 1U with hubby for our annual raya shopping. And to Ikano afterwards. Though I've completed my shopping (and exceeded budget as well) at 1U, I still could not resist buying the boys a cheap power ranger tshirt each I found at brand outlet. They could wear it immediately if they want to. Hubby made a reservation for his office staffs iftar at one of the eateries then off we went to MPH at the curve. I slumped off here until it was time for my own office iftar do. Weird eh? Initially we planned to have these two office iftar on seperate day so we could join both but unfortunately hubby's car was at workshop and sharing one car for these two persons who used to go seperate ways was so very inconvenient, thus, we did it on the same day but different place. So hubby was off to Ikano and I met my colleagues at Colonial Times.

Good food there. Their naan bread was divine. I could even eat it on its own ( bunyi iklan roti je..) But honestly, I wouldn't want that ttdi jaya bai punya naan bread after this. There was also another bread that was paper thin and simply melt in my mouth but cant remember the name. I wish I did not order the briyani so that i could feast on all kind of bread alone. (I am so into bread this year)

I want to go there again.....

Met a weird guard on the second floor of the curve on that day. The curve was so near my office that I had never need to use their surau. So, I have no idea where the prayer room is. But since this was iftar do, I decided to do my Maghrib first while waiting for the foods. So I asked the first guard I spotted, where is the prayer room. He pointed at a signboard on top of our head and said " Signboad tu kata pergi straight ke depan tapi kalau kamu jalan straight ikut signboard tu, nanti kamu tak jumpa suraunya. Jalan la sampai hujung pun, tak akan ada suraunya. Memang tak de surau kalau ikut signboard tu. Tak payah la susah susah cari surau. Balik sembahyang kat rumah"

I gaped.

One passerby noticed how lost I looked so he kindly pointed out where the surau was. Just up the escelator and turned right.

p/s Yati, if you read this, Happy Birthday!

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