Monday, October 27, 2008

It is a sunny day

Good, isn't it? After weeks (or months) of battling with congested road due to flash flood somewhere, we are now blessed with a few days on sunshine. It was hot but it was allright. Up until last Friday, I was seriously considering to buy a cloth dryer. Or maybe a washer cum dryer since space is going to be quite an issue at my next house. In fact, I was already comparing between bosch and electrolux and wishing both companies would come up with a nice looking model like LG. A maroon washer would surely liven things up in my tiny kitchen :)

Well, anyway. Since the sun was out and loads of laundry were dried up naturally, I think I'm going to shelve the washer/dryer plan get a maid instead. Have to. My poor kids are now breeding lices on their cute little head, courtesy of some friends at daycare. And I am due in HK by mid December and I seriously do not want to ask my mom and MIL to come again.

Sigh! How did other moms made it look/sound so easy? To have a family, a career, a little bit of travelling, no maid and a hobby or two and still being sane enough at the end of the day to answer a few schoolwork questions from the kids...

Happy deepavali to my indian friends


Liza said...

nope nae, it's not easy, takes alot of juggling and scheduling and organising...i was and still nearly insane trying to keep everything going..

as for the lice the cuties had that problem too at daycare, we use the chinese medication and alhamdulilah everything is ok....

Gartblue said...

nope. not me. not one those moms. i must have a maid. he he he he.

it's alright babe ... we'll take it one step at a time ..

btw, for lices, beware that the lice shampoo has ingredients that may be harmful to kids .. best solution is to comb them out. i got the licemeister .. easy-peasy .. it combs out the lice and its' eggs .. really a keeper, if you have many girls with the prospect of lices appearing at least 3 times a year, so I was told.

nae said...

liza : thanks...u made me feel a lot better now.

gartblue: the next step is a phone call to my agent :)