Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Let me out of here

I went to see a dermatologist at a nearby hospital this morning, with 100% faith that he would give me some kind of magic potion that will fast forward the process of skin repair and new skin regeneration. In other word, I am vain enough not to be seen with chicken pox scars all over my upper body. I put all my trust in science so that by tomorrow, the last day of my medical leave, I could go my merry way everywhere. Not just office, of course.


The good doctor took one look and declared I am not fit to go back to human civilisation yet. He wrote a new medical leave certificate from 1st August to 8th August. Gee....thanks so much doctor. Now, what would I do that long with just my pitiful self for company? Bear in mind that I am without a maid and my house looks more like a dumpsite than a cozy abode. Plus, not having someone to boss around is bad for my health.

*scream bloody murder*

Work from home again then, I guess. Or I could still go to office, lock myself inside my room, put a 'Quarantine' sign on the door and shoo everyone away. But then, I could still hear the laughter, the usual banter or occasional pizza party. And I'd feel very lonely.

1 comment:

LediAgli said...

8 hari tuwhhh cuti.. bleh p shoping.. makan angin makan nasik and makan makan.. tapi.. sorang2 lah yer... ehhee