Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Amri is seven years old today!

How weird to turn seven and the first year of school was already over. I meant, you're supposed to be seven on your first year.

Well...bringing up Amri was never easy. He was sickly for the first 3 years (read: high hospitalisation bill) then exceptionally super active for the rest (read : ER) . And now he was diagnosed with dyslexia (read: costly therapy). Which made him quite a high maintenance child. Fortunately, he was blessed with a highly resourceful parents and strong family support from both side of the families. Plus, we did not pass out at the sight of blood.

Amri received his birthday present from us last night, and so was Adam who insisted that his birthday was on the same date, except that, Amri was out of Ibu's tummy first. I wanted to give them skateboards but at hubby's raised eyebrow, quickly changed it to a safer Lego set.

We celebrated his birthday (and our wedding anniversary) at Colonial Times and had a really great time because the place was practically empty. To our surprise, Amri was embarrassed when the waiters sang Happy Birthday song to him and hid behind his father. So much so that he refused to blow the candle. Fortunately, Adam coolly blew the candle on his behalf because, well, as insisted by him, it was his birthday too.

Happy 7th Birthday!

Though we talked, chatted and planned about going out just the two of us to celebrate our anniversary, at the end we decided againts that. Hubby and I always met up for lunch or went out together after work. There'll be plenty of opportunity for us to have a private celebration later on. We'll celebrate this day as Amri's birthday for as long as it takes then perhaps one day he'll prefer to celebrate it alone or just with his other half...then hubby and I could sit down together and reminisce about the good old noisy times

I owed Amri a birthday party. Now, when could I squeeze one?


eiseais said...

happy birthday amri. hope next year would be a safe year for you and a less-stressul year for your ibu :)

skateboard...wahhhh...sangat berani ibu nya. hehehe...

Cherry said...

dyslexia ... hv you contacted pusat dyslexia malaysia . the lady @ the centre is very helpful. give me a call if you need her number. i'll hv to search in my old books. i send Aman there for diagnosis. the lady share a few tips and he seems to be coping well, but then again he's the mild level one.
happy birthday amri !
aziz still remember him as the one yang dalam doa belajar tu.

nae said...

eiseai : hopefully..but i doubt it. anyway, a few boys at dewan guthrie have been training my boys with the skateboard (though i look with half covered eyes)

ninuk: i've been there and Pn sariah did the assessment. Been planning to send amri for saturday class at their USJ6 activity centre

Mama Rock said...

yooohooo, i'm back. happy belated birthday to the "big" boy. and happy anniversary to both tan sri and puan sri :)

nae said...

mamarock: thank you, thank you. kemana menghilang?