Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My history with aerobics

Read an interesting post at Gartblue’s blog and felt compelled to write this piece…..

My first stint with aerobics was when I was doing my CIMA Stage 3. It was a tough time and I had my fair share of stress but nowhere to release it. So I joined UiTM aerobics class which by right was supposed to be for staffs and lecturers only. It worked like charm though at that time, I couldn’t be bothered with weight issue. I was rail thin and more often than not, my weight stayed below 45kg. Which was considered underweight for my height. After two months, I was no longer panting in the class. My concentration improved tremendously and doing number crunching all day long was a breeze. The stress disappeared. I slept like a baby at night and woke up feeling so fresh. Even dining hall food seemed good :) I continued with the classes way into my Stage 4, which was stressful enough by itself without the added problems the faculty decided to push into my way. I had an impossible schedule but managed to squeeze in the aerobics classes though it meant I had to almost fly from my class at business school to admin building where the aerobics class was. Then flew back down to dining hall to gulp my lunch before sprinting back to my room for a quick shower and getting ready for afternoon class. But I made it.

One year later, I started working and faced an entirely new version of stress. So, together with a few colleagues, formed a jazzercise club at the office. (Yes, a decade before jazzercise is known by Malaysian, we already danced to it) The management let us use one of the training room during lunch hour. The number of members kept on growing. The club and volleyball session after office hour kept me sane during those crazy years where I learnt office politics, lost love, newfound love and independence. I was still skinny though. Life was pretty good.

Then I get married. And had babies. As well as new job. The new demanding job came with a boss who loved having meeting either at pizza hut or burger king. Go figure! I now went to aerobics with the sole purpose of losing weight.

After getting bored beyond words with the aerobics classes at Pusat Akuatik Shah Alam plus having an awful time one fine day, I joined another aerobics centre which was nearer to my house – Seribadan.
And I lost weight, I lost the many, many inches, I gained many new friends, I was fit, I was strong and I had never been happier. I loved the place so much that I bought it.

It was not just about losing weight. It was a meeting point. It was where you meet your friends and neighbours. It was where your kids play while you were having fun with your friends on the dance floor. It was where you hang around while your kids attended Kumon and English classes.

Anyway, here are among the benefits of aerobics. Mind you, Seribadan offered Yoga as well and Pilates too (starting soon).

1. The most efficient and healthful way to control weight. An aerobic exercise burns fat, while building muscle. This may mean less dramatic weight loss, but since muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue, the result is longer lasting.

2. Following a regular aerobics program gives you a sense of commitment and control - two positive mental attitudes that help counteract stress. Aerobics also relax tense muscles, thereby relieving your body's stress response.

3. Regular aerobics increased the body’s production of endorphins.

4. Better coordination of muscles, and an increase in strength, flexibility and stamina. While improvements in these areas certainly help athletic performance, they also help reduce the risk of injury: Stronger, limber muscles are less susceptible to strain and sprain.

5. Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes three times a week can reverse years of cardio-neglect. In fact, consistent, regular exercise actually strengthens the heart, resulting in more blood and oxygen flow throughout the body. At the same time, aerobic exercise lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

6. Achieving fitness goals leads to self confidence, improved body image, self awareness and esteem. In addition, the discipline necessary to accomplish personal fitness goals can have a positive effect on your professional career.

7. Boost the immune system, meaning better work performance, and fewer missed days of work and school. Exercise increases blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, including the brain. Those who exercise react more quickly to stimulus than their less fit counterparts, pointing to a possible link between motor and intellectual skills.

8.Enjoy life!!!


Cherry said...

aerobics boleh menghilangkan stress yea ! that's what i need right now ... if i can squeeze my time after work that is.

nae said...

ninuk : i think what u really need is a superman as personal assistant :). but so drop by this friday evening, sweat your stress away

nae said...

ondeonde : weekend class coming soon..kickboxing & bodyjam on saturday!

Anonymous said...

hai there,
im looking foward for aerobik,body jam. may i know where is Seribadan?

Unknown said...

salam i would like 2 know d mane u gi aerobic

Anonymous said...

This is a great post; it was very informative. I look forward in reading more of your work. Also, I made sure to bookmark your website so I can come back later. I enjoyed every moment of reading it.


Unknown said...

These aerobics exercises are demand oxygen without producing an intolerable oxygen debt, so that they can be continued for long periods. They activate the training effect and start producing all those wonderful changes in your body.

aerobices help