Sunday, November 06, 2005

Final Day

I was contemplating a dressed down day, after days of dolling up and prowling about. It would be nice to be back in rags with a laptop on my expanding tummy or a book. And eat simple food. My tummy could accomodate a whole set of PC if I carried on the eating binge.
Ummie however, wanted us to attend a wedding at Bukit Payung. Well...okay I guess. It had been quite some time since I last attended an east coast wedding. Plus, I could drop by at Kak Emy/Abg Ipin place which was somewhere there. Better still, Amri had dissappeared so no need to bring him along.
Turned out, Kak Emy was back at Air Itam for her cousin's wedding. And the wedding we attended was simple one since it was on the groom side. We ate, said thank you to the groom's parents plus the customary salam keruk (a hand shake with money attached) and left. When we reached home, Amri was still not back. So I quickly changed into rags and we went shopping at Pasar Payang....yey!!!!!!!!
Truth is, I rarely shopped at Terengganu. There is nothing there that couldn't be found somewhere in Klang Valley..though at higher price. This day however, I was in shopping mood. Plus I wanted to buy my stock of anchovies and salted fish. A pair of silk dress wouldn't hurt either.
The stall owner was shocked when I said I wanted a kilogram of the nice ikan bilis and the whole of that big ikan talang masin. Had to repeat a few times though. By the time I finished my shopping list, the pakcik was grinning from ear to ear. He must have been thinking.....who was this idiot that bought everything without even haggling a single cent. Haiyaaa...forgot it was already very cheap I wouldn't have the heart to ask for discount.
Guess who we met at Pasar Payang foodcourt? Our next door neighbour...Kak Mala & Abg Rajman minus the broods. It really is a small world.
When I reached home, Amri didn't even realised I was away.
That night, Adik went back to Kuantan. Hubby packed half of our stuff and left the rest to me. He knew perfectly well that I would have left the packing to the very last minute. In the meantime, I was making a list of damages done by my boys. Amri broke one cookie container and burnt one of Alif's book. Adam has broken one cookie container and one drinking glass. Must remember to replace them all on my next trip.

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