Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Battle on

Back to work. Ready to battle on. Surprisingly, I did not suffer any post holiday blues. I was feeling very refreshed, battery fully charged and quite anxious to get back to office. This would be a hectic week but it's fine with me. I'm all geared up and ready for war...hehehe. At least, my room looks like a warzone. But....but...I draw a line at dressing up and meeting people. Puhleessee. This week I just want to dress in old pants, bury myself with the mess on my table and speak only to my potted plants.

All will be well.


Cherry said...

Nae, sorry le. Raye-raye ni memang dok leh nak plan sangat-sangat. gate crash je le.
insyaallah kite beraye kat shah alam saturday ni :)

annddd oohhh the puking - same problem. imagine if we've yr 2 boys + my 4 boys in the same car KL-KT ,,, and they all puke together eeeeewwwwww ! grossssss !

Anonymous said...

weis... mana p tak hapdet hapdet pon menkehadapankan perut ke sempena syawal.. hehe.. take care sis!