It happened again. This time it was Amri who ran back home saying that Adam fell from bicycle and was badly injured. We found him sprawled and covered in blood in between two park benches. It was this all over again. I knew what to expect and what to do but still, my heart skip a beat. Maybe more.
Bundled a bleeding Adam (from top to toe, indeed) into the car and drove off to the nearest clinic. Dr. Rasool and his assistants were very prompt and efficient. They cleaned up Adam pretty fast, gave him painkiller, wrote a referral letter to surgeon and even called the hospital to expect us. Adam's cut on his head was a lot worse than I expected. The full length and depth of it could only be seen once the doctor finished shaving his hair around the area.
We went home after the clean up. Asked bibik to change Adam's bloodied cloth. Packed an overnight bag, fished out Adam's medical card, called hubby who was outstation and gave Amri his pocket money for tomorrow. Cu Nan would spend overnight here to keep him and bibik company (thank you, bro).
I went straight to ER. Adam slept the whole time. Asked the nurse to help moving Adam from my car to wheelchair. Once in ER, the bandages were changed and Adam cried again. He however, did not struggle at all. But once the bandages were replaced, he was back to his cheerful self. He then was taken for head x-ray just in case there was any fracture to the skull. Unfortunately,I am pregnant, thus could only accompany him to the door. Adam was okay though. The surgeon scheduled Adam for surgery the next morning, after 6 hours fasting.
Adam liked his hospital room well enough that he had trouble to go to sleep. He also found that being pushed in wheelchair was funny and grinned all the way from ER to his room.
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