Adam waiting to be taken to Operating Theatre
By half past eight, Adam was ready. He was definitely a model patient. Though he complained that he was hungry and his hospital gown looked like girl's dress, that was the extend of it. Really fuss free. And he enjoyed being pushed in stretcher to Operating Suite.
By 9am, he was well under GA and I kissed him one last time before being ushered to the waiting room.
Half an hour later, I was shown to recovery room, where Adam was retching badly and cried a bit. Upon seeing me, he said he wanted to go home. That made me sad, because, I've never heard such thing from him. Or from Amri either. Both of them were brought up to be flexible and could just survive everywhere. But he said that many times.
Adam post surgery. Spending his time watching cartoon network
Once he was a bit more settled, the nurses transfered him to his own room. A few minutes later, he asked for milk. I gave a small amount, fearing that he would vomit again. Thankfully, he slept soon after.
Adam woke up not even one hour later and asked for porridge. Then rice. Then polished off soup, milo and pudding, both mine and his. He asked for twisties and I told him that it would have to wait until his father arrived because I would need to go and buy it from the shop. He asked for milk instead and was content with that.
Adam enjoying dessert
Hubby arrived soon after and I suddenly felt extremely exhausted. That was about as much adrenaline this pregnant lady could handle.
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