Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Gambar anak anak

Adam and cousins. The pint size Nadia is actually a few months older than Adam. Due to her teeny weeny size, Adam looks like a giant beside her.

I brought Amri for a haircut and he told the stylist to make 'rambut cacak'. However, he has soft straight hair and within a few hours the style went down. He insisted I buy him hair styling gel. Aduhai anak mak sorang nih.
Well, I bought him a bottle of water based gel. He was very happy and even brought the gel to daycare. To wear before he goes off to school.


Liza said...

amri dah pandai nak bergaya, sooner he'll be wanting to choose his own style of clothing kan?

nae said...

bNormal: So far, most of the time he just accept whtever I bought. But I dont think for long though...

LediAgli said...

wuiyoooooooooooooooo anak menakanku....

go for loreal water base.. yang tu bes.