One week into Ramadhan and Amri is still doing okay. Hopefully he does not cheat and end up buying drinks from his school vending machine. But, if the state of him upon returning from school is any indication, then yes, I think he is strictly fasting. At about 6pm, the school van will drop him exactly in front of our gate and from that spot on, he would be dragging his feet and his school bag all the way into the house. Once inside, he'd flop on the sofa and refused to move anywhere. No point asking him to take his shower until after iftar. After which, he would be back to his normal self and the first thing to do was of course, pick a fight with Adam. But boy, could this one really eat. I felt like he ate more than hubby and I combined. I just noticed that he loves kerabu taugeh, lala, siput sedut, tepung pelita and pulut udang (northern version, of course). All the stuffs that I've never cooked at home. Nor I have any idea how to cook one.
He followed me to 1U to shop and chose for himself 2 pairs of pants and matching t-shirt from parkson. Fussy giler. Then flopped down on nearest sofa whenever he spotted one.
Hopefully he'll be allright for the rest of Ramadhan. He is also amazingly easy to wake up during sahur and he eats with gusto. More often than not, requesting nasi tomato or fried mee. However, just like his ibu, he declined nasi putih + lauk for sahur. My menu is more like brekkie menu and I am glad that Amri's is almost the same (except for nasi tomato part). Good boy this one, senang kerja ibu.
my three cuties pun alhamdulilah, still fasting as at to date. you are so lucky he can get up easily for sahur. my cuties, i kejutkan macam nak perang tau!
bNormal: I think in a few years time, i will have to start a war too to wake Adam up.
ishk ishk.. ghosak la...
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