Friday, December 24, 2010

Son#2 going to big boys school

Amri was away with his friends on a day trip to Janda Baik so Adam and I went out for back to school shopping trip. This kind of trip is best done with the boys seperated. Together, they will create enough chaos to result in forgotten items or uniform in the srong size. Seperately, each one is an angel.
Adam looking worriedly at his Primary 1 books. After years of bringing just his english reader and occasional stationery, he is now entering the big bad world of rote learning.

Trying his uniforms. I love that he'll be in polo shirt and PE tshirt except Monday, where he'll be turn out formally in blue shirt and school tie. The uniforms are comfy and suited the kids well. And easy to manage for parents/maids.

Met a pretty lady while paying for the books and uniforms. Turned out she is from TTDI Jaya and one of her sons will be in Primary 1 too. She was new to this school so I had fun giving her a helping hand.

Off to Subang Parade to buy shoes and some fancy stationeries. Big boy going to big boys school will need big boys stationeries:)

Mommy needs stationeries (to colour mommy's face) and school shoes Adam dutifully wait outside each shop.

Rewarding ourselves after a hard day of lugging our shoppings around :). Mission accomplished.....phew!