Thursday, January 18, 2007

The myth about sweat

I wanted to post this in Seribadan but nothing happened after I clicked the 'publish' button. So I publish it here in the meantime....

What’s the Sweat?
MYTH ONE : If you’re not sweating, you’re not working out.

There are a lot of misconceptions about sweat. Hear this fact: Sweat has only one purpose — to cool the body. When your body temperature rises as a result of the energy production required by exercise (or the heat of the day), a couple of responses are triggered. First, the heart beats faster to move blood around the organs more quickly to absorb heat. At the same time, capillaries just under the skin dilate so blood can be closer to the skin surface, which is usually cooler than body temperature. If these cooling mechanisms aren’t enough, your sweating reflex kicks in — something like a built-in shower. Water from the blood moves to the skin surface through a network of more than 2.5 million ducts, or sweat glands, in the skin. When this “sweat” — which is composed of 99% water and 1% salt and other protein and fat-based metabolites — evaporates, it cools the body and leaves a salty-tasting residue on your skin.
You’ll notice the sweat if you live in a humid climate that deters evaporation. You may never think you sweat in a dry climate, where the same workout, at the same temperature, produces the same amount of sweat, but is not noticed because it evaporates so quickly.
Although sweat has no odor itself, when it is combined with bacteria on the body, it’s time to roll out the deodorant to combat the unpleasant odor associated with sweat.
MYTH TWO : Sweating helps you lose fat.
Some people still come to the gym wearing sweater suits designed to make them sweat profusely. If asked why they are using this gear, they often respond, “To sweat off fat.” Had they said, “To lose weight,” they would be accurate but misguided. Any post-workout decrease in weight is water-based sweat, not fat. Fluid replacement returns the scale to a pre-workout reading. The danger in this thermal approach to weight management is that any sweat produced cannot evaporate and cool the body.

MYTH THREE : Sweating rids the body of toxins.
There are no toxins in sweat. Toxins are removed by a healthy kidney and liver working full time to counter all we do to abuse our bodies with poor exercise, eating, and lifestyle habits. The body isn’t detoxified when it sweats. It’s overheated.
Sweating dehydrates the body. A dehydrated body is prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Lost fluid must be replaced. Drinking water is a good place to start. A cup of water before and after your workout and sipping your water during exercise will suffice..
Source :

Friday, January 12, 2007

Adam is 3!

Just three? Judging by his size and manner, five is more like it. But three it is. Three years ago, I felt some mild contraction and took my time eating breakfast and all...thinking that Adam would take his own sweet time to come out. I was wrong. 45 minutes after epidural, Adam popped out. Everybody said the epidural was just a waste afterall, I did not really need it. However, i am a big time coward when it comes to pain so even if the labour pain took only 15 minutes, I would still insisted on epidural. Hehe. No offence to supermoms out there, ok.

Adam @ 3 months old

Adam @ 5 months old

Adam @ first birthday

Adam @ 2 yrs 11 months

Well, no party yet today since hubby is still at Lumut. Maybe Sunday, Insyaallah.

Happy Birthday Adam!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Amri goes to school - part 2

I now strongly believed that the real reason Amri becoming so gung ho about going to school was that few hours of freedom from me. Definately not because he couldn't wait to score straight As. Couldn't be about making new friends either since first, most of the kids come from ttdi jaya and second, Amri made friends easily that more often than not, my house was a playground for half of ttdi boys under 10. Occasionally he brought back girls but always one at a time.

That few hours of freedom also came with a few ringgits of pocket money. What more could a boy ask? He had so many things to buy in his list that RM2.00 seemed to be not enough...duh. Knowing Amri...I did not let him loose at any shop with money on his own....until now. The nearest he get to buy anything on his own was the occasional purchases I allowed from the ice-cream man. And that was rare. My freezer was always well stocked with ice cream unless during the time Adam was having severe cold/cough.

Well...he seemed to seize this newfound freedom wholeheartedly. Like he's been waiting all his life for this moment. Yesterday, hubby and I decided to see whether Amri would be okay at school canteen. Had a big shock myself. Several hundreds hungry kids, from year 1 to year 3, muscled their way to buy whatever food they could lay their hand on, pushing away anybody who stand on their way. Gosh! Remember jusco members day sale? Or tesco first day sale? It was like that. . Amri was frightened initially. So I resolved to pack his snack from tomorrow onwards. But 10 minutes of staring at the crowd later, Amri seemed to know what to do so he joined the cut-throat scramble at canteen counter. All my six years of lessons to Amri about good manner, queing, waiting your turn etc flew out of window instantly. Hmph!! A few minutes later, he emerged with 2 pieces of nugget. Then back to the mad scramble at drinks counter. Again he emerged with a glass of iced drink, amazingly without splashing half of it on himself. (But how come he sloshed his drink everywhere at home?)
Being a big eater, Amri couldn't be happy with just two pieces of nugget. He wanted the plate of fried mee or better still, chicken rice. But the bell rang and he ran back to his class. Checked at his classroom later and he was not there. *Sigh* But I came across my old schoolmate way back at jenan....Zain Azraie. Wonder how he noticed me despite being 20kg heavier and a metre wider.....

Today, I decided to stalk him during recess time. But I already packed him a chocolate bread and boxed soy bean milk earlier. However, when hubby and I reached there, we were informed that the recess time for Year 1 was brought forward half an hour earlier to avoid yesterday's mad scramble. Well...good I guess.

After school, Amri reported that he ate his choc bread and soy bean, plus he bought a drink and a burger. How did he ate all that within 25 minutes recess time?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Amri goes to school

Turns out, my moody angst ridden six year old teenager is actually, well...6 year old kid going for his Year 1 at TTDI Jaya Primary School. He was excited. So excited that he managed to wake up early, on his own, despite going to bed extremely late last night due to shouting match with his cousins from Penang. Adam however, was in his usual bad mood whenever he had to wake up early. Thankfully Amri would be in afternoon session for the next three years. We really were not morning persons.

New pencilbox. Hopefully it will last more than a month

Actually today was just registration day. Pay the fees (RM129.50 here), listen to briefing by teacher which we ignored because we couldn't hear a thing and wait for Amri to sit for his diagnostic test. Punya le slow mamat sorang nih jawab test...jenuh kita menunggu.

Muhammad saying goodbye to Amri. Add a big bear hug for good luck:)

Went home as soon as Amri completed his test. Kak Zhan and co left earlier and somehow I felt bad because they had to leave early because we were off early to Amri's school. Anyway, since they (or maybe only Kak zehan) were having lotsa fun at Ikea then it was quite allright :)

Muhammad, a very demure Sarah, an extremely excited Amri and bad tempered Adam