Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Baby Aqil @ 7 months old

He has mastered sitting down last month and later, lunging around which put us on high alert at all time

He then figured out how to crawl after spending a few days rocking on all fours tirelessly

Adam said Aqil is doing yoga - downward dog pose

And now, he is pulling up.

What is with the rush baby darling....mummy seriously can't keep up. I haven't even start shopping for high chair yet and now probably have to jump straight to buying safety gate and babyproofing the house.


famyGirl said...

tak sabar nak berjalan lah tu :) jenuh nak kejar nanti.

nuaym dah start guling, from position meniarap to telentang. lepas tu either mengiring, or telentang helpless, goyang kaki tangan macam cockroach terbalik :D

Glokalmama said...

Aqil dah pandai jalan, bila mummy nak update blog ni... :-)

nae said...

Famygirl: by now, Nuaym dah start crawling dah kot...have fun!

Glokal Mama : *gasp*...getting around to it now, ma'am