Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I took a sickie...


It has been quite some time. I was super busy chasing my own tail. But thanks to my current bouts of chicken pox, I was kicked out from the fast lane and been put under house arrest for the next nine days.

Now I found myself with plenty of time on my hand. Accompanied with zillions of nasty red dots and splitting headache. But very little choice of things to do.

Where was I?

The shock of petrol price hike came and went away gradually. People will adjust. That's what humans with half a brain do. Protest, scream or topple the current government if you must, get it out of your system. Then we all could go back to drawing board and think for a solution. Like how not to depends on oil price for our livelihood

Our new maid came and disappeared. I expected chaos. None happened. Everyone took it in stride and adjusted pretty quick. Perhaps the boys were borne with some flexible genes ingrained. And we happened to be the lucky parents who had them.

The much anticipated date for Jacobs Walk of Life came and gone. Nothing happened. I actually had a new adidas backpack for the event. Which now became Amri's swimming class bag. *sigh*

Adam's chicken pox came and went away in less than a week. Mak came to our rescue, thankfully. Adam was a model patient. Not a peep about being kept indoor for five days at a stretch. Ate, slept and drank a lot of milk. Watched a lot of tv too. In fact, we had to physically dragged him out from his perch in front of the idiot box, kicking, screaming, wailing and sobbing, so that the rest of the family members could have a decent lunch out.

My new boss came and look set to stay for a long term. I like him already, even if he removed me from my cozy pad beside the pantry to the furthest windowless corner in the name of confidentiality. He took over the extra workload which I had miraculously carried with me for the past six months. I am now, officially, just a financial controller. No more frazzled nerve. No more 3 am phone call with news of broken in site office. No more feeling near hysterical because I've forgotten to bring blackberry to Amri's swimming class. I feel like I could do a financial report with one eye blog hopping and another eye shopping and fingers on YM. God bless my new boss.

So what do I do now?


Mama Rock said...

hi, get well soon...kiss the spots away :)

salam to tan sri and a belated birthday wish to him too :)

nae said...

mama rock: tan sri said thank you, he is very busy babysitting his spotty wife