Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cousin Haslina getting married

It is the time of the season! Be prepared to gain a few kgs as well as various bunga telur which may not necessarily contains egg.

On saturday, we went to a wedding at Batu Caves in the afternoon the Ina's akad nikah at night. The akad started after Isyak and lasted till almost midnight. Thank goodness the boys did not tag along. Otherwise, I could just imagine the ruckus they would have created at the mosque, seeing that lots of their cousin were there. Two boys were quite manageable on their own but when they ganged up with a few more kids then even my deadly stare get ignored. Or Adam could get into his super cranky mood when it went past his bedtime that no amount of reasoning could make any difference.

Ina and her brand new hubby, Joe after the akad. Hope they will live happily ever after

Mak dara dan anak anak dara on Sunday reception & bersanding

Most of my relatives from Kedah, Penang and Langkawi were there and needless to say, we were a noisy lot. Can't help it..a lot of catching up to do.

I played host tonight for Mak Anjang & Mak Su's family. So, I had five families, including my own, staying under my roof until tomorrow, which made this day by far, the most happening day/event for his year. I've been pathetically whizzing past the first few month of 2008 without doing anything significant at all.

Anyway. Selamat Pengantin Baru to all newlyweds out there.


MN said...

wow!5 FAMILIES...
kalo i sekejap ok kot..
dah lama2 mungkin agak sesak :)
tapi best nyer family ramai ni, riuh...kan?

MN said...
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Liza said...

masa wedding times nie ler you get to see all the relatives, true about the kids when gathered together, very so not manageable

nae said...

mrs noba: it was so riuh and chotic...nasib baik neighbour tak panggil police

bnormal: yup..especially those from langkawi. can't visit them as much as i want to anymore

Nazrah Leopolis said...

i pulak lain.seram nak jumpa sedara mara yg sgt laser sbb badan i yg mcm dipam-pam nih..

nae said...

nazrah : are you kidding? you're so very lovely my dear