One snag though. Amri had been asking for duit raya from people. Which to us, was extremely embarrassing. He was still okay last year so I was quite unprepared for it. It took the whole day of reminding him sternly for the message to sink in. Made more difficult by constant flow of guest with their little ones blatantly asking for duit raya without anyone reprimanding. Must have seemed unfair to him.
We went visiting relatives in the afternoon, knowing that tomorrow the traffic would be terrible so we'd better do our jalan jalan today. True enough, traffic was clear all the way
This year menu:
Pulut kuning with rendang daging (chicken was sold out...isk)
Ketupat palas with serunding
Nasi impit + kuah kacang
Nasi minyak given by Che Non
Lontong given by Mak Su
Sedih pulak tak dapat my favourite rendang ayam. Maybe I should rear a couple of chickens there then by raya next year, they will be ready to be turned into rendang.
do they really ask for duit raya? erkkk...have to prepare myself for that...
About to leave the same comment as eiseai...how old is Amri? Emmm..yup, have to prepare myself for that..
eiseai : they really did, tak de malu malu langsung
rafiqa: amri will be seven on 27th nov but trust him to be really quick in picking up bad habits. plus, adam will copy him
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