I had a weird day, if not what you call one of my bad day (I've had worse, believe me!). First, very early in the morning, I was locked out from my own room after I went downstairs for a few seconds to see to Amri's breakfast. Hubby was in bathroom so I had to search around for the keys. After frantically looking on my table, suddenly it hit me that the bunch of keys were downstairs because we were using them to open sliding door. Gosh! I was already five minutes late sending Amri to his kindy. When I started the car engine, I heard a funny sound. Then Adam pointed out to the back wiper which were wiping nonexisting water merrily. Tried as I might, I couldn't make it stop. So, I just switched off the engine, dragged the two boys out and shoved them inside the crv instead.
Once back from the kindy, I looked for aveo's manual and after trying this and that...managed to switch off the stubborn wiper.
Took Adam to his pead, somehow escaping a nasty episode of nebuliser and were back at home by ten something. The autogate remote was not functioning so had to ring the doorbell. Bibik opened both of the gate, which knocked Adam to his back and narrowly escaped being thrown into a drain. Duh!
Adam took his three medicine then promptly went to sleep. I tried to get some work done and failed miserably. The person at Guthrie I was looking for was as elusive as ever. I was told that today, Mr Elusive has gone to malacca. My paperworks still couldn't proceed without proper address.
I needed to courier out some urgent paperworks so I decided to go to Giant's post office. The kids wanted to tag along, so I readily obliged. The front passanger seat was lowered down previously because I used my aveo to transport rolled up carpet that I collected from laundry. Please don't ask me why I didn't use crv instead.....I honestly didn't know.
I pulled at the seat lever to make it normal again but it just refused to budge. Hmph! Amri was getting panicked. He thought he would be required to lie down at the front seat all the way....hehehe. I pulled again but still it stucked. Must be the side effect after all those flood water. Okay....so I stepped out from the car, told Amri to step aside, used both hand and pulled. Really hard. Gosh!!!!!!!! It moved! But the seat swung so violently it hit my head and three of my fingers were stucked in between the lever and the seat. For a while I was numbed, then everything within my view started to turned orangy for a few seconds and finally the pain hit me. Amri, blessed the little boy, helped to unstucked my fingers and give me a hug. Adam has gone completely quiet. Oh boy..........
In true blue Nae's style, when faced with bad tidings, the first thing I did was to send a nasty sms to hubby. Then I'd fell a lot better. So I did. And made dear hubby worried. So he transfered some money with strict instruction to go pamper myself with facial, massage or something. Oh dear...... Thank you sooooo much but sitting down with a facial was the last thing I should do now. I'd be too nervy and trying to relax would seemed an impossible feat.
I however, did the best thing that worked for me to destress....I went to aerobic. But this time, armed with extra money from hubby and no time restriction, I head off to Bukit Jelutong aerobic centre. Well....if I were to have business premise and possibly a future home there, I might as well join the community now.
My God! I should have joined earlier. For the first time in my life, I had an aerobic instructor who did not make me feel that I might need to quit eating altogether and fire my maid. She had enough meat on her to assure me that she is indeed, human. And the members.....were they friendly lot. Sure, half of them were beautiful datinistas but they all are warmhearted ladies who upon hearing that I came fromTTDI Jaya, asked the right question "How's your car, dear?" I sure loved to shock people with horror stories of our cars.....like some kind of heroics tales of noble battle . Oh...the aerobic centre come well equipped and worth every cent of the fees. They even have morning sessions.
When in stress, sweat it out!